CoreT-cOreT pasal Aq

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diamond bay, Payrock, Malaysia
NamE aq nUROL FasIHA binti NasrI... fRom pEraK...Now STudy kt Universiti Malaya,k.l n wat degree in malaY studies major language n minOr MEDIA..,aq TeLAH dilahirkan pada tggal 24 march 1989 pDa jam 3a.m hri jumaat..BErkt Kelahirn aq..huhu.Mak SY OWG banjar same gak my abah,,so da cmpur2,,sy Pown owg banjar la.hehe,,,,,just a sImple girl..Plesss bg komen Kt MY blog k....

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Friday, June 24, 2011

bile BFF jd BF

Bile BFF nak jd BF?
Friendships are important. The goal of this site is to help you establish and maintain good friendships. Everyone wants to have best friends forever, and many times that happens. However, there are times when friendships don't work out as we would like for them to. We hope to help shed some light on why friendships evolve and how you can improve your current relationships with others. Creating and keeping good friends is work. You have to be willing to invest your time and your heart. Rite??
Tetibe aq jadi teringat satu pepatah english mengenai pershabtan..
When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.  The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.  ~Henri Nouwen
“A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad. 
~Arnold H. Glasgow”

           Ehmmm...Orang kata berkawan biar seribu bercinta biar kenapa kahwin boley sampai 4? That mean, yg sowg jew la betul2 dye cinta..hehe..xtau la 2 just omongan kosong aq sebagai mukadimah..kononnye la. Aq nah terbaca 1 artikel ney berkaitan klu BFF kite seorag lelaki kemungkinan kita akan jatuh cinta sgt tinggi..yeke?..xboleh ke berkawan ngn lelaki mcm 2..sejak zamn sek BFF aq mmg lelaki. Mmg rapat sgt time 2 aq da dew BF dye pun da dew GF..So, mmg xde hal la nak timbul soal hati.  Sampai 1 ketika aq teringt lagi Bf aq marah sbb dye jeles tgk aq very close ngn BFF aq..yela sume bnda aq akan stry kt BFF aq bukn BF aq sndri..ntah la aq rase selesa lak stry kt dye..betoi org kate klu dew Bf ney tiap bnda kite kene jaga..ala2 kontrol ckit lew habit klu ngn kawan ha,,..lantak c2 makn gelojoh pun xkesah..xde nak terasa hatinye..
GF dye pun pernah warning aq dlu..sbb dye takut aq terlalu rapat ngn Bf dye..dye ckp klu kuar date msti citer pasal aq..same la ngn aq mulut xtau nape gatal jek nak citer pasal BFF aq..ehmm..sampai la skrg aq da belajar kt da pun putus ngn Bf aq dlu...sbb dye main kayu 3..ehmm...da lame da time aq fom5 da break up..mmber aq pun da puts gak ngn gf dye sbb gf dye da kene jodoh ngn owg belajar kt mmber aq 2 da keje..pernah sekli ktrg lost contc dekat setahun  gak..tetibe dye muncul balik mmbawa 1 berita..ehmm...dye suke kt aq!!!...bkan suke sbgai kawan tp lebih..mksud aq jatuh cinta..OMG!!!..dye ckp da lame sejak sek..sbb 2 dye sllu siap klu aq dew anggap dye kawan aq jek..mmg aq sssyg dye but sbgia kawan..nak aq xsampai tahu sbb aq takut pershbtn ktrg akn, aq ckp andai aq ada jodoh ngn dye aq terima but not da time..siyes aq xready lgi..xready utk terima some1 special dalm diri aq lgi..

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