CoreT-cOreT pasal Aq

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diamond bay, Payrock, Malaysia
NamE aq nUROL FasIHA binti NasrI... fRom pEraK...Now STudy kt Universiti Malaya,k.l n wat degree in malaY studies major language n minOr MEDIA..,aq TeLAH dilahirkan pada tggal 24 march 1989 pDa jam 3a.m hri jumaat..BErkt Kelahirn aq..huhu.Mak SY OWG banjar same gak my abah,,so da cmpur2,,sy Pown owg banjar la.hehe,,,,,just a sImple girl..Plesss bg komen Kt MY blog k....

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


hye my blogger....moRning..pew yg aq nak citer erk riney..ehmm,,bce title 2 pasal PHOTOJOURNALISME..pew kaitan lak,,huhuhu..btwy,,sem ney aq ambex pper ney,,just nak try2..mcm menarik,,,learn sOmtg yg baru,,yg xnah aq try,,Giler bapak berani aq ney kan,,hahahha..2 la aq suke Somtg yg mencabr,,xnah fkir risiko..asal hati aq puAS..ney mmg pper yg aq tggu2,,n sbb 2 la aq choose jabatn mEdia sbg minor aq..y penting Puas hati lorh...AQ xkesah la pointer xbape nak tggi asal aq puas hati ngn pengalamn yg aq dapt..2 lebih bermakna rite??mcm sem lepas aq ambex taw pper 2 giler kEntang aq try gak,,try wat try study setakat yg aq mmpu...walauoun result xgempaq mne,,ney aq motivte diri sndri actly...ok la,,,stop dlu pasal 2...da lari tajuk ney...actly aq nak citer pasal photojournalism ney...b4 2 jom kitew kaji what is photoJournalisme????
Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news story. It is now usually understood to refer only to still images, but in some cases the term also refers to video used in broadcast journalism. Photojournalism is distinguished from other close branches of photography (such as documentary photographysocial documentary photographystreet photography or celebrity photography) by the qualities of:
-kredit 2 wikipedia-
kowg click link kt bwah ney dew mcm2 pic menarik..
jom tgk hasil2 photo yg menarik kt bawah ney..

pic kt atas ney..mempunyai kesimbungna,,,cuba kowg perhati 1 persatu pic ney..
nmpk simple jew kowg taw x mkne disebliknya??
u'll amacam meNaraik x pic ney sume...ney sume pic yg snap oleh pHoto jurnal terkenal..davidburnett..
eyh,,,nak share ngn kowg video ney jom tgk...hehehe
ok,,,,Enjoy it K,,,

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