CoreT-cOreT pasal Aq

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diamond bay, Payrock, Malaysia
NamE aq nUROL FasIHA binti NasrI... fRom pEraK...Now STudy kt Universiti Malaya,k.l n wat degree in malaY studies major language n minOr MEDIA..,aq TeLAH dilahirkan pada tggal 24 march 1989 pDa jam 3a.m hri jumaat..BErkt Kelahirn aq..huhu.Mak SY OWG banjar same gak my abah,,so da cmpur2,,sy Pown owg banjar la.hehe,,,,,just a sImple girl..Plesss bg komen Kt MY blog k....

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


tadi aq g PPUM...ingt nak la wat check up tp giler kEntang,,xdew pilhihan kene la g Klinik KK12..otw nK g sane dew sebuah lori besar terbabs betoi2 merentang jalan,,so mmg hot Jem teruk,,nseb bek la aq nek motor..ley la men pown g jumpe Doktor..kenapa??sbb aq skit la xkan suke suki jew..hahhaha..1st nurse 2 ambex tekanan darah aq,,,dekt 10x still xley bace ...tgn aq da lenguh...sakit kot..dye suh aq cool..relax..dont be stress..akhirnye brru dapt detect,,huhhhh,,tekann darh aq rendah,,,n then suhu lak tinggi tp still terkawal,,padahal badan aq rase panas pown kot,,aq rse nOrmal jew..pas2 aq ty pasal tulg belakg aq yg sllu sakit ckp la pernah xcdnt dlu...badan aq kene hempap ngn mOtor tp da lame da 3thun...doktr bg aq ubt tahn sakit,,dye suh try lu..after 2week if xok dtg sane blik...n then aq minx la ubt MIGRAIn coz ubt aq da bis stock,,,doktr ty aq sllu sakit x?aq ckp la yess,,,b4 i can't sleep with normal..kepala sllu sakit n then kekdg xley bernafas...dr ckp aq oVERSTRESS,,,,,jgn makn ubt time sakit kepala,,da 2 aq nak mkn pew?dye suh aq relax n cool minx ubt dyde bg ckit jew..coz tkut aq addicted...ney pown aq da bese sakit jew telan ubt...n NO PANADOL!!!,,huaaaa,,letak jauh2,,,coz if x t penykit len yg datg,,n akan jejaskan OTak aq,,huaaa,,,ptut now aq cepat sgt lupa..n lambt kene hppy sllu n jgn pkir sgt masalh...".take urself,,,if u dont love urself u will sick.."..doktr 2 pesan kt aq,,,n then always pakai swetr if ada kt tempt sejuk..kurgkn minuman berkafein...mcm taw2 jew aq suke minumn mcm 2,,heheheh...ok,,,sye xnak sakit,,sy sayg diri sy,,,huaaa,,byk lg impian aq nak,kene ikut pesan doktr,,k, aq nak tido nak rehat,,hehehehehe,,daaaaaaaaa....assalamualaikum,,

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